30 July 2007

"I am a poem heeding hyper-distillation..."

I want to share a poem by Ani Difranco entitled "Self Evident." You can read and/or listen to it here. At first I thought I could wait until 11 September 2007 to post this poem, but the more time I spend away from the United States and the more time I listen to distilled Canadian news broadcasts and the more time I find myself missing the Pacific Northwest, the more I am convinced that I myself must work and speak and share to effect the change I wish to see in my adopted nation of America. Because before my greencard expires in 2014, I must make a choice - a choice of homelands, of identities, of communities. I pray every day that in seven years there will even remain a choice to be had. I by no means intend to use my Canadian citizenship as a "Get Out of Hell Free" card; however, I will return to the passive-aggressive, beautiful, semi-socialist, intermittently open-minded winter wonderland in which I was born should our neighbours south of the border pass the point of no return (and many would argue that they already have). So I am posting this poem out of anger, out of fear, out of anticipation, and as a call to every reader, regardless of nationality or political affiliation, to enact real and positive change in the United States of America.

Or, to quote Ms. Difranco again,
"I’m gonna take all my friends/and I’m gonna move to Canada/and we’re gonna die of old age."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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