05 December 2007


New Habits:

- making coffee/tea for the office sometime between 4pm and 5pm. This involves querying one boss on his choice of beverage, remembering who wants sugar and who wants sweetener and who’s a diabetic, and generally having the same conversation at the same time every afternoon

- days on end of sobriety

- keralan martial arts at least twice a week, complete with mostly incoherent lecture from instructor (whom I am supposed to call “Master” – not yet a habit)

- half-heartedly tutoring a nine year old Korean boy twice a week, which means reading Captain Underpants or playing Hangman

- making bad puns (an influence of the local culture/office environment)

- text messaging Seattle several times a day

- cooking the occasional South Indian dish (this used to be much more habitual)

Old Habits That Die Hard:

- setting unreasonable exercise goals to be achieved at unreasonably early hours, and then snoozing through my alarm for an hour and a half

- going to bed after midnight every night

- inclinations to brownnose despite better judgment

- procrastinating at work

- inability to manage money

- inability to write friends and family back within a reasonable time frame

- enduring idealism

- habitual, compulsive planning

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